New coin: SUI with 15% lending return

Starting Friday, February 7, you can trade SUI in the app, and from Monday, February 10, Lending will also be available. And to get you started, you will receive a 15% lending return on SUI for 2 weeks.

How does it work?

For two weeks you will receive 15% lending return on SUI, instead of the standard 3%. All you need to do:

  1. Accept our new user agreement to participate in the promotion.
  2. Enable lending from Monday, February 10, after you have purchased SUI.
  3. Done! You will immediately benefit from 15% lending return on SUI.

Your return will be automatically credited to your vault every Monday. After the promotion period, the standard rate of 3% per year will apply again.

View all terms & conditions here.

Lending at BLOX

With lending, it is possible to make a return on your crypto. As soon as you activate lending, your coins are lent out to parties selected by us. In return, you receive a fee. The coins you lend out remain available for trading. They are therefore not 'fixed'. This makes it possible to respond to price developments and you can always sell your coins.

Return on top of your crypto

You can earn returns on an annual basis. This varies per coin and depends on your starting amount and the price.

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Weekly payment

Every Monday you will receive your return in your vault. This is automatically paid out in the currency you borrow.

Your coins are not locked

Your coins remain available for trading. In addition, you can turn lending on or off whenever you want!