dogwifhat price

dogwifhat price

Analysis of the current and historical dogwifhat price and trends.


The current dogwifhat price today is €0.5208. In the last 24 hours, the dogwifhat price has risen by ▲ 2.5%, this is a value rise of €0.0130 euros. Currently, there are 998,926,392 WIF in circulation with a market value of €508,829,381.00 euros. All values are updated live and in real-time on our price chart.

dogwifhat price in the last 24 hours

View the key statistics from the past 24 hours here.

24h ago


24h highest


24h lowest


24h difference

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Market information dogwifhat

Use these figures to get a better understanding of the dogwifhat market.

24h volume

€210.6 million


€508.8 million

WIF in circulation

998.9 million

All time high


WIF Return On Investment

See for yourself how much dogwifhat has risen or fallen over the years.

1 month
6 months
1 year

Historical dogwifhat price

Curious about the dogwifhat price on a specific day? Then check the table below.


Frequently asked questions on dogwifhat

The current dogwifhat price is currently €0.5208 euros. This is a ▲ 2.5% rise compared to yesterday.

Today, there are 998,926,392 dogwifhat in circulation, with a current price of €0.5208 euros each.

The market value today is €508,829,381.00 euros.

We expect that the dogwifhat rate will remain very volatile in the upcoming period. Check out our current dogwifhat prediction for the next few years.

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