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Helium Mobile prediction 2024/2025 - 2030


The current Helium Mobile price today is €0.001104. In the last 24 hours, the Helium Mobile price has risen by ▲ 9.89%, this is a value rise of €0.000109 euros. Currently, there are 87,282,843,864 MOBILE in circulation with a market value of €94,874,732.00 euros. All values are updated live and in real-time on our price chart.

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Helium Mobile short-term prediction

Is today the right time to buy Helium Mobile? Check out the short-term forecast from TradingView, based on various indicators:

Prediction for the coming years

What do we expect in the coming years? Read below the long-term forecast from cryptocurrency analysis firm DigitalCoinPrice.

What are the predictions for Helium Mobile in 2024?

The all-time high is still a long way off. However, analysts do expect Helium Mobile to start a cautious recovery. Throughout the year, the price is projected to trend upward. In September the price will reach €0.001030 and by December, it is expected to reach €0.002520 euros.

What are the predictions for Helium Mobile in 2025?

Analysts remain optimistic for 2025 as well. In September Helium Mobile will reach a minimal price of €0.002480. Helium Mobile is projected to finish that year at a value of approximately €0.003000.

What are the predictions for Helium Mobile in 2026 and 2027?

Records are meant to be broken. Analysts anticipate that it will be the case for Helium Mobile in 2027. The MOBILE price is expected to reach €0.005180 by the end of December.

What are the predictions for Helium Mobile in 2030?

Helium Mobile continues its growth trajectory, and according to analysts, it will start the year with a price of €0.007800 and is projected to finish 2030 with a value of €0.008650.

YearJuneDecember% compared to current price

This information is sourced from DigitalCoinPrice. Please be aware that the value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate significantly. Only invest money you can afford to lose, and conduct your own research before deciding to invest.

Helium Mobile price in the last 24 hours

View the key statistics from the past 24 hours here.

24h ago


24h highest


24h lowest


24h difference

Market information Helium Mobile

Use these figures to get a better understanding of the Helium Mobile market.

24h volume

€10.1 million


€94.9 million

MOBILE in circulation

87.3 billion

All time high


MOBILE Return on Investment

See for yourself how much Helium Mobile has risen or fallen over the years.

1 month
6 months
1 year

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